Thursday, September 6, 2007


First issue of VOYEUR's newsletter has been published and can be downloaded through below link...

Happy reading!!!

VOYEUR Newsletter-September 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Next VOYEUR screening

VOYEUR collective will take part of EXPOSED - a screening adventure at Basement ARI in Fiskars, Finland on the 21 September 2007 at 8pm, featuring videos from the VOYEUR artists.

Basement ARI
Antskogintie 36a 2

Kl: 20.00 21.9.2007

Ulrika Holmlund's solo show 'Entangled Bodies'

VOYEUR member Ulrika Holmlund will end her artist residency (at ONOMA Fiskars Co-operative) in Finland with an exhibition titled ‘Entangled Bodies’ in Basement ARI in Fiskars, Finland 24-26th of September. The opening will take place on the 24 September 6-8pm. For more information on Ulrika’s work please visit

Basement ARI
Antskogintie 36a 2

Screenings of Kim Collmer's work

VOYEUR member Kim Collmer will screen her video ‘Berlin Skin’ in the following exhibitions:

* 'Post-Cinema' at RMIT in Melbourne curated by Dr. Shaun Wilson in October.
* 'Not Still Art Festival' on Saturday October 13th at the Micro Museum in Brooklyn, NY.
* 'Do Billboards Dream Of Electric Screens' as part of an urban screens project in Nottingham, England, organized by Trampoline of Berlin.
'Berlin Skin', video-still

Kim Collmer’s videos ‘Animate Locate’ and ‘the Fold’ will be part of this year’s 'Around the Coyote Festival' in October in Chicago, thanks to Livebox Gallery and Catherine Forester.
'The Fold', video-still

'One Verse, No Chorus' by Bridget Walker

‘One Verse, No Chorus’ developed independently by VOYEUR member Bridget Walker during a period of time spent in the Northern Territory, Australia recently appeared as part of the Experimental/Conceptual Shorts program of the 56th Melbourne International Film Festival and is due to screen in September at EXiS07 Experimental Film & Video Festival, Seoul, Korea and in October in the Southern Panorama of the 16th International Electronic Art Festival SESC VIDEOBRASIL